As Asia Esthetic, we try to provide language and cultural communication with doctors and other health professionals and we provide two-way information exchange between patients and healthcare professionals.
Asia Esthetic which provides services in Hair Transplantation, Dental Health, Plastic Surgery and many different health issues, many subjects from planning as the most right treatment for patients ,accommodation and transfer. It is a company that driven on patient satisfaction and best manages the process from the beginning to the end of treatment.
Our Mission
We are a leading organizationan that innovative and continuously improve ourself, specialize in in all healthcare services providing the highest level of medical, reliable, patient-oriented and quality service, prioritizing patient and employee safety, respecting patient rights, educating qualified health workers, environmentally sensitive.
Our Vision
To be a healthcare institution that is exemplified by a modern management system, medical practices and technology, meets the expectations of the society and all health needs of our patients, and is preferred primarily at international standards with these features.
Our Quality Policy
Based on national and international standards; was established in order to provide high quality service that supports development with continuous education by using the measurement and improvement mechanisms focused on patient and employee satisfaction, with managerial support in this direction and to ensure its adoption by employees.