The eyelid aesthetic, i.e. blepharoplasty, is an aesthetic surgical procedure performed on the eyelids, which tightens the eye contour area. Usually after 35 to 40 years of age, sags, under-eye bags, and wrinkles are seen in the upper eyelids. This causes the person to look sad and tired. To avoid this appearance, the excess skin of the eyelids is removed. By this means, the person will have a younger and livelier look. Blepharoplasty operations are needed usually after 35 years of age. These aesthetic procedures pose few surgical risks. Due to hereditary reasons, some people have disturbing problems in their eyelids at a young age. In such people, blepharoplasty can be performed at an early age. Before blepharoplasty, eyebrow positions of individuals should be examined duly. If the person has droopy eyebrows, a brow lift surgery should be included in the procedures to be considered.
Can blepharoplasty be performed on anyone?
Because the eyelid skin is the thinnest skin in our body, it is also the area that gets wrinkled most easily. Although it is possible to temporarily correct these wrinkles, seen in the eye contour area, with Botox injections, blepharoplasty should definitely be performed for a permanent solution. Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that can easily be performed on anyone has such wrinkles and deformations at any age.
Does blepharoplasty leave a scar on my eyelid?
During blepharoplasty, the excess tissue of the upper eyelid is removed by a simple method, and then the sutures are placed at the natural eyelid crease already existing in that area. Similarly, if there is excess tissue in the lower eyelid, an incision is made just below the eyelashes, the adipose tissue is removed, and then the lower eyelid is closed. In short, this line resulted from surgery will not be visible because it will remain just below the eyelashes.
I am going to have a blepharoplasty. How long does the surgery take?
Blepharoplasty is a simple surgical procedure usually performed under local anesthesia or sedation. Upper blepharoplasty takes about half an hour, whereas lower blepharoplasty usually takes about an hour. Lower and upper blepharoplasty operations can be performed at the same time. In such a case, the operation takes 1.5 hours.
Will I be able to get back to my normal life immediately after blepharoplasty?
Because blepharoplasty is a very simple surgical procedure, patients can be discharged on the same day. The next day after surgery, the patient will be able to easily watch television and read books. After surgery, sutures on the eyelid will be removed within the first postoperative week. In short, the patient will be able to maintain his/her normal life immediately after the operation.
What are the points that I should take into consideration after blepharoplasty?
After blepharoplasty, there will be thin, short plasters in the surgical site; however, there will be no need to close the eyes. The patient is advised to sleep with his/her head on a high pillow after surgery. Since blepharoplasty is a simple surgical procedure, the patient can get back to his/her normal life after a resting period of 1-2 days.