Asia Aesthetic

Asıa Aesthetıc

Teeth Whitening

Healthy, white teeth are very important for a beautiful and impressive smile. However, structural disorders that occur in some cases, antibiotics used during childhood or in the womb, foods and drinks consumed, the amount of fluorine in drinking water, old implants, crowns and fillers, as well as old age cause discoloration of the teeth. Teeth whitening is the procedure performed to recover tooth enamel that has been discolored and yellowed due to various factors, and to whiten it by several tones on a tailor-made basis. Everything we eat and drink, which contains coloring agents, darkens the surface of our teeth in the course of time. Teeth that have darkened or turned yellow can be treated by performing the permanent teeth whitening procedure (also known as teeth bleaching) instead of applying porcelain crowns. As a result of this procedure, whitening is achieved by up to 8-10 tones, depending on the condition of your teeth. Teeth-whitening is a procedure in which a specially produced gel is applied to the teeth, and the whitening process is accelerated with the help of a light source or laser. Usually two types of discoloration are seen on the teeth. The first is intrinsic discoloration, and the second is extrinsic discoloration. In cases of intrinsic discoloration, there are stains that have penetrated into the tooth. Such stains cannot be removed by brushing. In cases of extrinsic discoloration, stains caused by stainers such as cigarette, coke and coffee have adhered to the outer surface of the tooth. In both types of discoloration, teeth whitening, i.e. teeth bleaching results in great success.

How is the teeth whitening procedure performed?

Teeth whitening is a procedure that should be performed under the control of a physician. Whitening gels applied to the outer surface of the tooth react with a special light applied to them. By this means, the teeth are whitened very quickly and effectively. With the procedure performed in this way, teeth whitening by 3-4 tones can be achieved in a session.

Can teeth whitening be performed on everyone?

Tooth whitening is an extremely safe procedure that can be performed on everyone. This procedure will not be harmful as long as it is performed in reliable clinics and under a physician’s control. The whitening procedure, not recommended for people who have yet to complete their physical development period, should be performed on pregnant and breastfeeding mothers with caution.

What are the points to take into consideration in the teeth whitening procedure?

A mild sensitivity may be experienced during or after teeth whitening. However, this sensitivity will go away within 1 to 3 days. What is important here is to completely carry out the steps required by the teeth whitening procedure. When performed by professional teams, this procedure causes no harm.

How long does it take to see the maximum whitening result on my teeth?

The results of teeth whitening vary from person to person. Whitening some teeth take a few days, while whitening some others take one or two months. However, an average person’s teeth can be whitened within 2 to 3 weeks. If the yellow stains on your teeth are much than gray stains, the results of the whitening procedure will be significantly better. On the other hand, it will be more difficult to whiten gray stains caused by the use of antibiotics. In such a case, it will take a little bit longer to achieve the result.

What will I experience during teeth whitening?

Because the whitening process continues for a period of 2 weeks after the completion of the teeth whitening procedure, it is required to avoid using stainers in this period. After that, you might consider reducing the consumption of such foods and drinks as much as possible. The hot-cold sensitivity experienced during the treatment will also go away after the treatment.