Asia Aesthetic

Asıa Aesthetıc

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation surgeries are procedures performed to enlarge and enhance women’s breasts. In breast augmentation, breast implants are placed behind the breasts. Thanks to such implants, the chest circumference can be increased by one or more cup sizes. Today, breast augmentation is the most commonly performed plastic surgery procedure. With breast augmentation operations, small breasts will become fuller, larger and aesthetically more perfect. Natural silicone materials called implants, which are placed under breast tissue, help increase breast volume. In breast augmentation operations, silicones have no adverse effect on the body, unless they are punctured and spread to the body. Of course, all surgical operations pose a risk. People who have had breast augmentation surgery will have an enhanced self-confidence. If the individual feels physically healthy and has realistic expectations from the surgery, she is an extremely suitable candidate for breast augmentation surgery.

Will I be able to get pregnant and breastfeed after breast augmentation?

There is a misconception that if a woman gets pregnant after breast augmentation, her silicone implants need to be removed. Yes, it is a misconception because breast implants are placed under the breast tissue in breast augmentation operations. Since they are under the breast tissue, the milk ducts do not get blocked. And since the milk ducts do not get blocked, people can get pregnant and breastfeed without the removal of their silicone implants.

Does breast implants placed in breast augmentation procedures cause cancer?

Research studies carried out and discussed for years in the United States has revealed that breast implants do not induce cancer. In addition, breast implants are not perceived as foreign matter by the body. The outer surfaces of implants are made of silicone. This makes these materials more durable.

Does breast augmentation surgery leave a scar on my body?

Breast augmentation surgery can be performed through an incision made in the junction area of the areola and the white breast skin under it, an inframammary incision, and a transaxillary incision (on the natural crease of the armpit). Incisions to be made during surgery will be invisible because their sites will always be the folding areas of the skin. The lengths of surgical incisions vary depending on the breast implant; however, they range from 3 to 5 cm on average. Incision with these lengths does not leave a scar, and become indistinct and disappear in the course of time.

What will I experience after breast augmentation?

Because breast augmentation is not a very painful surgical procedure, it will be adequate to stay in the hospital overnight for only control purposes. The patient can easily go home the next day after surgery. As in all breast surgeries, surgical drains are applied in also breast augmentation surgeries. Surgical drains are removed 1-2 days after surgery. Arm pain may be felt for five days after surgery. During this period, you must move your arms without tiring them, and avoid carrying heavy things. You can get back to your normal life a week after this period.

Will my breasts sag after breast augmentation?

The answer to this question depends on the location of the silicone implants. If the silicone implants are placed under the muscle, the breasts do not get saggy after surgery. This is because breast implants held by the breast muscles and ligaments does not weigh down on the skin. Nevertheless, patients are advised to wear an athletic bra for about four to five weeks after breast augmentation surgery.