Asia Aesthetic

Asıa Aesthetıc

No Shave Hair Transplant

In aesthetic operations, men prefer hair transplant the most. No shave Fue operation, which is a type that does not need hair to be shaved, can also be performed in hair transplant.

There is no need to shave the whole hair, especially when the top part called the front hairline are hairless. Fue hair transplant can be applied to the person without shaving in cases like thinning or hair can be easily inserted between them.

One of the hair transplant methods preferred by men is no shave hair transplant. ın shaved hair transplant, the hair has to be shaved to one cm. because when the crown part is completely bald, shaved fue should be done in the intensive hair transplant which need roots between 3000-5000 grafts. no shave fue method is applied to areas where the transplant area is small and where the area to be transplanted is sparse. women as well as men prefer this method.

The no shave FUE method follows the same process as other hair transplant methods. It is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations. The hair starts to grow in the first 3 months. The growing speeds up after the 6th month. At the end of 1 year, the real result starts to show itself. Transplanted and grownd hair can be shaped as desired after the process.